Mathnasium in Montclair Offers Innovative 'TriMathion' for Kids

Below from left are the 4th grade participants, Alan DiGeronimo, Randolph Castillo, Giulia de Gennaro (3rd Place), Victoria de la Rosa, Tristan Saidi (2nd Place), James Macdonnell, and Alex Leaf (1st Place).
From left are the local 3rd grade participants, Ella Parker (2nd Place), Vijay Ved, Remington Katz (1st Place), Christopher de la Rosa, Nathan Drogin (3rd Place), Jacob Poinson, Isabella Hummel, and Dermot Walsh.

Mathnasium of Montclair participated in the National TriMathlon on May 14, an event designed to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of math students as well as generate excitement about math education.

Students competed for prizes and top honors, and enjoyed doing math  games at the same time. 

Here is a list of participants.

Third Grade Participants
Ella Parker (2nd Place) (Bradford, Montclair)
Vijay Ved (Watchung, Montclair)
Remington Katz (1st Place) (Northeast, Montclair)
Christopher de la Rosa (Bradford, Montclair)
Nathan Drogin (3rd Place) (Essex Fells School, Essex Fells)
Jacob Poinson (Northeast, Montclair)
Isabella Hummel (Bradford, Montclair)
Dermot Walsh (Bradford, Montclair)

4th grade participants

Alan DiGeronimo (MKA, Montclair)
Randolph Castillo (St. Andrew, Clifton)
Giulia de Gennaro (3rd Place) (Edgemont, Montclair)
Victoria de la Rosa (Bradford, Montclair)
Tristan Saidi (2nd Place) (Bradford, Montclair)
James Macdonnell (MKA, Montclair)
Alex Leaf (1st Place) (Ridgewood Ave School, Glenridge)

5th grade winner

Abeni Mussa (Redwood School, West Orange)

About the TriMathion and Mathnasium (from their website)

The TriMathlon is designed to generate excitement about math by challenging children's mathematical thinking skills as well as their ability to compute in a fun environment.

Mathnasium's TriMathlon is a math competition for 3rd through 6th grade students that will be held at Mathnasium Learning Centers across the country on Saturday May 14, 2011. The competition consists of three events which focus on various mathematical concepts typically studied at each grade level. The three events are:

Magic Squares Practice Tests
Students are awarded points for creativity in developing their own math problems.

The Counting Game Practice Tests
Tests the students' ability to count from any number, to any number, by any number.

Mental Math Workout Practice Tests
Tests the students' Number Sense by asking them to solve problems without pencil and paper.

Any student in 3rd through 6th grade in public, private, or home school in the United States is eligible to participate. Students do not need to be Mathnasium customers. Participants may compete in one competition in their grade level or higher.